The past few years have been big ones for me on a personal level, and professionally. Two of my three kids got married,,all three moved out of state, and my parents moved out of their home and into an independent living apartment. Transitions and changes seem to be the only constant in my world. Professionally, I got some paintings published in books on mixed media, had an opportunity to participate in 8 Visions at The Attleboro Museum, and joined Fountain Street Fine Art Gallery as an associate member.. I also started working with kids again, which is full circle for me since it's something I did in my 20s. I love making art with kids. It's so cool watching them discover a new technique without inhibition. I draw a lot of inspiration from them. I continue to work with adults at Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary, and privately in my studio. The main difference between the kids and adults is that the adults are more apprehensive and inhibited then the kids., and working at both ends of the spectrum helps me be a better teacher. I also have learned that teaching makes me strive to be a better artist. I have to walk the walk, and work even harder on my own stuff.
Each of these changes has motivated me to focus on , and invest in making solid work that I can be proud of. One thing I've been doing is that I've been trying to draw as much as possible, some days for three hours. Now, I carry a sketchbook everywhere I go If I find myself with time to fill between lessons, or waiting at a doctors office, I'll just draw. it takes a while, but if I keep at it, keep drawing, eventually the ideas start to flow. A merging of old ideas and subjects and new inspirations seem to be evolving. It took two sketchbooks full of doodles before things started to click.
I experimented with new materials, painted on gessoed pieces of wood in unusual shapes ( a challenge to myself in figuring out composition). Each change and step I've taken has led to some interesting ideas, and hopefully, exciting new work. Always moving forward takes commitment and hard work, and taking leaps that make me uncomfortable and unsure. If I'm too comfortable, then the work gets stale.
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